The sun hid himself behind the clouds, the air was dry and hot with rage rushing towards him. The smell of the loved ones reached his nose. The loved ones, friends and family stood against him. His teachers and other respected men stood with swords, arrows and bows to cut his throat. The love and respect he had within pulled him back. He kept his bow down and sat down on the chariot with a helpless body, mind, brain and soul.
The beautiful eyed Lord who looked behind and smiled. His smile was the best medicine for an disease for the body and mind but now Arjuna is still in bank of a river which is filled with deadly beasts, poison and deadly fishes. Now the lotus eyed Lord must be his ferryman.
- How can he fight his loved ones, family, friends and respected Teachers ?
- Won't history frame him as a blood thirsty warrior ?
- What will the generations think about him ?
Arjuna asked Questions and to them Krishna replied with satisfying answers. Arjuna kept asking till his consciousness was satisfied. This is the best part in our dharma. Arjuna is debating and questioning the almighty Narayana.
Krishna redefined the meaning of Truth, justice and Dharma and then to satisfy his Jeevathman, the great lord revealed to him his universal form. From which Arjuna understood the secrets of himself and the importance of his karma and how it is linked to the actions of time.
In this age of Kali, we still have the same war going on and most of the Arjunas are suffering from the same problem.
- He is a great Film director/ actor , how can I talk against him ?
- What will the society think about me ?
- Will they frame a anti social from me, if I talk for my Dharma ?
So, we need Krishnas and Arjunas. We need Krishnas to inspire the Arjunas , who have the potential and strength to fight for our Dharma.
They burned Manusmriti telling that it degrades Women freedom. This was the statement that made Manusmriti a book of hatred among the new generation Indians.
Manu said that "A woman does not deserve to be independent”. They burned it years ago in the name of revolution and development and made fun of it but what do we see now. CAN THEY EXPLAIN WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW ?
9.6. Even a weak husband should attempt to protect his wife.
9.5 Women should keep themselves away from vices. Because when women lose character, the entire society is destroyed.
5.149. A woman should always ensure that she is protected. It is duty of father, husband and son to protect her.
It has stressed that at no point of time a woman in independent ?
“In childhood the father protects her, in youth she is protected by her husband and in old age sons protect her".
Now after burning Manusmriti ,WHAT DID WE GET ? we see Fathers raping their own daughters, Husbands selling their wives for money and sons dumping their old mothers in old age homes and road sides.
Manu has held that a father not arranging the marriage of a menstruating daughter is to be damned; a husband cohabiting with a menstruating wife is to be damned and a son who fails to look after a widowed mother is to be damned.
We, the sons and daughters of Vedism was made to worship nature as mother. We worshiped the rivers, seas, mountains, air, land etc... Then came the western religions that said , Nature worship is wrong and shouted that the creation need not be worshiped and all worship has to be given to the creator who sits in some world which is above the seven skies.
We, the kids of Mother Earth, at that time worshiped the creation which was the creator himself. We saw the divinity of the Creator in all of his creation and worshiped him in everything he created and proclaimed that the creation is never different from it's creator.
Now... see what has happened, the divine land where small kids were asked by elders to not urine in we damp the whole sewage, drainage waste into the rivers, polluting her.
We used to worship forests and woods with "Sarpa Kavu". The Sarpa Kavu is inhabited by snakes, and the area usually contains a representation of Naga Raja (King of the Snakes) and other Naga Devatas (snake deities), where offerings and rites are performed during special ceremonies. The Sarpa Kavu is surrounded by dense forest, ponds or other water bodies and was maintained spiritually. The ancient saints believed that the Nagas had great importance in maintaining the ecosystem.
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Sarpa Kavu (meaning Abode of Snakes) is a traditional natural sacred space. This place mostly surrounded by forest. |
" Don't destroys the "Sarpa Kaavu", you will loose wealth, crops and kids "
The western missionaries told us that snakes are not to be worshiped so the modern Indian who were looking for rational reasons converted and burned down forests and built flats and resorts on them. Thus causing imbalance to the ecosystem and nature. Now the same foreigner print books talking about nature protection, deforestation and ecosystem.
Now want does the modern India get ?
no rain, no crops, no food, soon the generations will suffer because of this.
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