Questions asked by a NON HINDU
1) We believe in one God but you believe in thousands of Gods like Ganesha, Rama, Shiva, Vishnu etc...What is you say about it ?
Answer : We don't have thousands of Gods but just ONE, Paramathman ( Brahman ). All others are Devatas. They are manifestations of the almighty Brahman. Logically, can I can ask you something...Can reproduction happen from singularity? It is a big NO. So it is said that , the ONE manifested as a male and a female aspect, namely Purusha ( Shiva )and Prakriti ( Shakthi ). If you say that God cannot manifest or take incarnation then you are insulting your all powerful God by telling that he is incapable to manifest or incarnate. Thus making degrading his strength and power. Can I talk about the Christian Trinity then ?...
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the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit |
2) If Shiva was there before creation, what did he wear? He may not have found a leopard or Tiger to get Skin from it before creation ?
You are questioning without even having basic knowledge about our tradition. Parameshwara (Shiva) is not Lord Rudra ( Shankara/ Aadi yogi/ Aadi Guru/ Shiva Rishi ) whom you see in pictures. Rudra is material refection of the mighty cosmic Shiva, who is praised by...
Nama misha mishana-nirvana rupam
vibhum vyapakam brahma-veda-svaroopam
nijam nirgunam nirvikalpam niriham
chidakasha makasha-vasam bhaje ham
vibhum vyapakam brahma-veda-svaroopam
nijam nirgunam nirvikalpam niriham
chidakasha makasha-vasam bhaje ham
Vibhu moksha personified, Veda incarnate, all-pervading Lord,
Lord, master of all, I pay obeisance to you, and am ever-worshipful,
Away from maya and the cycles of nature, of conscious desire,
I chant to you Lord Digambara, who wears the sky as a garment.
Lord, master of all, I pay obeisance to you, and am ever-worshipful,
Away from maya and the cycles of nature, of conscious desire,
I chant to you Lord Digambara, who wears the sky as a garment.
nirakara monkara-moolam turiyam
gira gnana gotita misham girisham
karalam maha-kala-kalam krpalam
gunagara samsara param nato ham
gira gnana gotita misham girisham
karalam maha-kala-kalam krpalam
gunagara samsara param nato ham
Who is formless, Aumkar’s origin, beyond the three gunas,
Beyond speech, knowledge, senses, giver of grace,
Perfect One who brings awe and reverence within, Lord of Time,
Lord of Kailash, beyond this world, my obeisance to you.
Beyond speech, knowledge, senses, giver of grace,
Perfect One who brings awe and reverence within, Lord of Time,
Lord of Kailash, beyond this world, my obeisance to you.
The cosmic Purusha Shiva took a humanoid form and came down to the peaks of Himalayas to teach the seven Gurus of humanity, lessons on Yoga, Dharma and many others. Without taking human form, how can he teach humanity ,the divine lessons like Yoga.
3) You said so much about the HInduism but why only in India ?
It is because of your lack in reading field you feel so. Take about Greece. They had Vedic tradition of the worship of the Nature and it's energies. Before the coming of Abrahamic religions...they too followed Vedism and recently there was news that 25,ooo Greeks have returned back to worship of Zeus and other Gods. See, Zeus Pitra is mentioned in the Rig veda as Dyaus Pita. Ziu in Norse and so on. The Greek worshiped a race of Gods called Vasus, whom we call the ashta-vasus ( 8 Vasus ). Do a small research about Shiva lingas around the world. You can see them in Ireland, worshiped by sons of Danu ( Danavas), your Vatican...which was Vaatika years ago. Search the history we see Vedism around the world and Abrahmaic religions have been in the history for just a very short time.
The worship of Shiva Lingam was not confined to India and Sri Lanka only. Lingam was referred to ‘Prayapas’ by the Romans who introduced the worship of Shiva Lingam to European countries. The statutes of Shiva Lingams were found in the archeological findings in Babylon, a city of ancient Mesopotamia. Further, the archeological findings in in Harappa-Mohanjo-daro, which yielded numerous Shiva Lingam statutes
Secondly, we are not interested in forced conversions. Have you see Hindu Priests and Pastors running around with fake magic shows like Healing, conversion talks etc to populate our religion. It is again a big NO... People interested can return back to their forefather's tradition...we dont force anyone or pay anyone to convert.
4) Our God, doesn't come down to earth to kill enemies or demons ? Why does he need weapons ?
It is said in Abrahamic books that God kills communities with sound, natural disasters etc... To kill one person, the intelligent God kills the whole community which contains infant babies, handicapped people, kids, old age people and women. In Puranas, we see God taking among men and killing the evil people with weapons like arrows, spears, sword, Trishul etc which are used to kill the particular targeted evil person who pollutes the civilization and not everyone... Lord Rama ( Avatar of Mahavishnu) subtracted Ravana from his community and appointed his wise brother, Vibhishan as the King to show a path of righteousness to his people...without destroying Sri lanka itself. Instead of killing the trouble maker, killing the whole civilization is not seen as the act of an intelligent person. In Malayalam we have a proverb " To kill a rat , someone burned down one's house".
5) What about your caste system ?
please take the link . CASTE SYSTEM
Christianity…. One Christ., One Bible., One Religion….
These Two will Not Enter Marthoma Church...
These Four will Not Enter Salvation Army Church...
These Six will Not Enter Orthodox Church...
These Seven will Not Enter Jacobite Church...
Like this., There are 146 Castes Alone for Christianity.....
Each will Never Share their Churches for Fellow Christians...!!!
How Shameful..! One Christ., One Bible., One Jehova...???
Among Muslims., Shias & Sunnies Hate and Kill Each Other in all Muslim Countries...
The Religious Riots in Most Muslim Countries is Always Between These Two Sections.
The Shias will Not Go to Sunni's Mosque...
These Two will Not Go to Ahamadiya's Mosque...
These Three will Not Go to Sufi's Mosque...
These Four will Not Go to Mujahiddin's Mosque...
Like this It Appears there are 13 Castes in Muslims...
Killing/bombing/conquering/ massacaring., Each Other..!!
American Attack on Iraq was Fully Supported by all Muslim Countries Surrounding Iraq..!!
One Allah., One Quran., One Nabi....???
Hindus ~
They have 1,280 Religious Books., 10,000 Commentaries., More than One Hundred Thousand Sub-Commentaries for These Foundation Books, Innumerable Presentations of One God., Variety of Aacharyas., Thousands of Rishies., Hundreds of Languages.
Still They All Go to All TEMPLES and They are Peaceful and Tolerant and Seek Unity with Others by Inviting Them to Worship with Them Whatever GOD They Wish to Pray for..!!!
Hindus Never Quarreled One Another for the Last Ten Thousand Years in the Name of Religion....
6) Why do u pray to Idols ? Can the great GOD's greatness be contained in Idols or forms?
We don't pray to Idols but, we energize idols with different energies like shell,Bells, mantras (Sound) smoke, Fire, ( heat and light) etc. We chant Dyana mantras and bring the cosmic energy into the idol and offer services to the energy present with the doors of the inner chambers closed. Now after the services, the door is opened and along with the sound of the bells, Udukku, dhamaru and many other Kundalini awakening musical instruments , we become capable and absorb the divine energies that comes out. This is simple science of storing energy and then radiating it out. Temples are like large reservoirs of energy, we are small machines who come and collect this energy and move on.
A glance at the rounded, elliptical, an-iconic image of Shiva Lingam placed on a circular base (known as Peedam), which is found in the Sanctum Sanctorum (Garbhagraha) in all Shiva temples, has given rise to various interpretations, without realizing the scientific truths discovered by the ancient Hindu sages. The practice of worshipping Shiva Lingam as the holy symbol of Lord Shiva, has been from time immemorial.
In Genesis 32, we read the account of a very strange wrestling match. From the description of the "formless" GOD with whom Jacob wrestled then again it is said the Adam and Eve heard the footsteps of the "formless" GOD.
Genesis talks about:
God speaking (e.g. Genesis 1:3). But does this mean that God has vocal cords?
God seeing (Genesis 1:4). Does God have eyes with pupils and retinas?
God walking (Genesis 3:8). Does God have legs?
God making clothes for Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:21). Does God have hands?
God smelling a sweet savour from Noah’s sacrifice (Genesis 8:21). Does God have a nose and olfactory receptors?
Again we see repeated sentences about the thrown of the "Formless" God in Quran and Bible. Why does a formless God need a chair. Why is the Abrahmic God scared of people worshiping other Gods? If he is only one true God, he can take all these into his account, right ?We also see the God of Abrahmaic religions taking revenge on humanity, a God who gets jealous of the intelligence and technological advancement of humanity.
When you ask Questions...ask it to yourself before you shoot them to others ? When though your tradition is against religious questioning... Thing logically... Om
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