Halloween : The inner meanings

Samhain (sow-in) marked the end of summer and the harvest and heralded in the colder months. Celts believed that on the night before the new year the boundaries between world of the living and the dead become blurred.

Since there is a great flow of energy this day, the witches and other praticers used this day for many tantric activities.

Traditionally people wore costumes, animal skins and heads and attempted to tell each other's fortunes.

Most stories about the origin of Halloween correctly state that Halloween had its origins among the ancient Celts.

Halloween is a rite with pagan roots.To celebrate, the people built bonfires, wore masks and costumes in order to prepare for the arrival of spirits. Fire rituals and divination were part of their celebration. Pagan priests even offered animal sacrifices.

Based on historical facts, Samhain came from the Gaelic word “Samhuinn” which literally means “summer’s end.”
Samhain celebrates the end of the harvest season and our ancestors.

It was in 609 AD that Christianity changed the festival to add praying for the dead.Christians were trying to make the day a sanctioned Church holiday but All Souls Day kept many of the Samhain traditions.

Around the world, many countries have their own weird Halloween traditions - and some of them are downright bizarre - and there's no end of urban myths designed to freak you out.


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