To do this we can list out the characteristics or basic believe system of the three major religions we have in our country. First of all let us consider Islam and Hinduism. Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion, founded by Prophet Muhammad in the Middle East in the 7th century CE. Hinduism on the other hand is religious tradition that originated in the Indian subcontinent in the pre-classical era and does not have a specific founder. Hinduism, as we see now was not a religion but a way of life followed by the people of Bharath and now due to competition from foreign religion they have formed under a common roof called "Sanadhana Dharma" ( Hinduism). Islam believes that God ( Allah ) is formless, Ninety nine names and attributes of Allah (God) who is infinite supreme, Sublimely one, all are dependent on him yet he depends on none. Self sufficient. without beginning and without end, and there is nothing comparable to him. As we look into hindu holy texts we see Paramathman, the supreme soul who is the unmeanifested supreme being, who is formless, independent, without beginning and end. So we can say that both are the same.
In order to start creation, it is said that Paramathman manifested as the male, Purusha(Shiva) and the female, Prakrithi ( Shakthi).Their union created everything that is in cosmos. We can understand this with simple intelligence...from singularity creation will never happen so the singular divided into the dual for creation.
Islam prohibits idol worship while Hinduism supports it. As per holy texts during first ERA that is Satya Yuga, people used meditation and no idols later in Treta yuga people used Yagnas to reach God, later in Dwapara yuga they did penance for getting Godly blessings and now in Kali Yuga people of Hinduism does idol worship as its said that it gives more concentration and focus.
The main points mentioned in the Kuntap Suktas i.e. in Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 127 verses 1-13 are: REFERENCE OF MOHAMMAD
He is Narashansah or the praised one (Muhammad). He is Kaurama: the prince of peace or the emigrant, who is safe, even amongst a host of 60,090 enemies.
Mantra 2
He is a camel-riding Rishi, whose chariot touches the heaven.
Everything are not Gods in Islam but its GOD's. But as per Hinduism everything is a GOD. All living and non living thing is a manifestation of Paramthman. That is the soul within us is a derivative of the supreme soul so we all have God in everything is a GOD. Like the rain water drops falling on an ocean does not have any difference in essence when compared to the huge ocean. So we can worship anything. That is why Indians say "Namasthe" when they meet each other which means, " I bow to the divine being in you".
If we read the Puranas and vedas we can see predictions of Prophet Mohammad in it. Pilgrimage is found in both religions, Hajj to Mecca in Islam, while Kumbh Mela and Tirtha Yatra in Hinduism.Muslims performs 7 rounds around Kaaba during Hajj which is called Tawaf. Hindus also perform one or more rounds around the center (Garbhagriya) of a temple which is called as Parikrama . Both of them are commonly called circumambulation.
Moving on to Christianity,
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The Christian Trinity |
The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (from Latin trinitas "triad", from trinus "threefold") defines God as three consubstantial persons, expressions, or hypostases: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit; "one God in three persons". The three persons are distinct, yet are one "substance, essence or nature". In this context, a "nature" is what one is, while a "person" is who one is.
According to this central mystery of most Christian faiths, there is only one God in three persons: while distinct from one another in their relations of origin (as the Fourth Lateran Council declared, "it is the Father who generates, the Son who is begotten, and the Holy Spirit who proceeds") and in their relations with one another, they are stated to be one in all else, co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial, and "each is God, whole and entire". Accordingly, the whole work of creation and grace is seen as a single operation common to all three divine persons, in which each shows forth what is proper to him in the Trinity, so that all things are "from the Father", "through the Son" and "in the Holy Spirit".
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The Hindu Trinity |
Here we see that Brahma = Vishnu = Rudra = God. God is Paramthman/ Brahman who manifests as the major three forms CREATOR, PROTECTOR and DESTROYER. With simple math we can prove this. God is infinity ( denoted by "∞" )
GOD = ∞
God = Brahma , God = Vishnu , God = Rudra
Since God = ∞
Reference of Jesus in Puranas
"ko bharam iti tam praahasu
hovacha mudanvitah
iishaa purtagm maam viddhikumaarigarbha sambhavam"

"The king asked, 'Who are you sir?' 'You should know that I am Isha Putra, the Son of God'. he replied blissfully, and 'am born of a virgin.' "
The best way to explain the similarity of the three is to look at the devil. The Islam and christainity believes in the existence of Satan, a fallen angel who brings trouble to the humans and all of the creation. As per Hinduism the satan is Kali Purusha. He is a Gandharva who was casted out of heavens later he tricks Adhama ( Adam) and Hauva ( Eve) and is does all devilish things in the world. Just like Satan, Kali Purusha is often depicted as a snake and he can take any form he wish. At the end , Mahavishnu comes on the white horse to kill him along with his brothers just like the that told in bible about the four horsemen of Apocalypse.
If we closely observe the Greek and Egyptain mythologies we can see their close relationship with Vedic stories. For example, the Olymbian Gods headed by Zeus is called Vasus in Hindu texts headed by Dyaus who is the sky God and welder of thunder, which shows both are the same.
The reference of Adam, eve, Noah, Mohmmad, Abraham etc on Bhavishya purnas which is a purana of prediction which was written years ago before Kali Yuga ( The present Era). From this we can easily say that all the mythologies are ONE. GOD is ONE.
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