GOD VISHNU Mahavishnu is one of three Supreme Gods in Hinduism .Vishnu is also known as Narayana and Hari . He is venerated as the Supreme Being in Vaishnavism and as Purushottama or Supreme Purusha in ancient sacred texts like the Bhagavad Gita . Vishnu is described as the all-pervading essence of all beings, the master of—and beyond—the past, present and future, preserver of all existences, one who supports,preserves, sustains and governs the universe and originates and develops all elements within. In Hindu sacred texts, Vishnu is described as having the divine blue color of water-filled clouds and as having four arms. He is depicted as holding a padma (lotus flower) in the lower left hand, a unique type of mace used in warfare known as a Kaumodki gada in the lower right hand, a Panchajanya shankha (conch) in the upper left hand and a discus...