Evolution of Tantra and Primitive men

During the early ages of Man, when he still walked the earth for feeding, sleeping and mating, just like any other animal, he alone had a thought in his mind...They mated and had children, so there was something divine about the yoni. He understood that, the kids were born only for women , who bleeded, once in a month. He soon started to worship the yoni, considering it as a divine object of worship, as it was responsible for his future generations. Women were made to sit in a sacred space and was worshipped and their first bleeding was celebrated like a festival. Soon, he also understood that the seeds from the linga was equally needed for the creation. So, he also started the worship of Lingas. It was the seeds from the linga that mixed with the blood and created the generations. As time passed, they made drawings and carvings of the same and worshipped these. We can see yoni and Linga worship all around the world. In time, the Worshipers divided into two, the ling...