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Basic idea behind all these festivals( Symbolism ): Rebirth of the Sun, The longest night of the year, The Winter Solstice, Introspect, Planning for the Future. Deities worshipped across the world in different cultures : Goddesses: The Great Mother and Earth Goddess, Freyja, Gaia, Diana, Bona-Dea, Isis, Demeter Gods : Mabon, The Sun God, The Star (Divine) Child, The Oak King, The Holly King, The Green Man, The Red Man, The Horned One, Odin, Lugh, Apollo, Ra, Saturn. YULE What is Yule, and what does it have to do with Christmas?" The Christmas classic “Deck the Halls” contains the line “Troll the ancient yuletide carol” (to troll is to sing in a joyful or celebratory manner). Another line in the song says, “See the blazing yule before us.” We sing those lyrics, but often don’t know what they mean, since we never hear the word yule at any other time of year. So what does yule mean, and why is it a part of the Christmas tradition? Yule was the name of a win...


INTRODUCTION  In the Mythologies around the world, we see certain episodes in common, like for example the flood myth, battle between the good and evil etc. Just like these examples, there is another episode, Sacrifice of the Primordial being. In many myths, including the vedas, there is a story of a Primordial being, being sacrificed for the creation to start. Let us dive into the Chinese Mythology...Open your eyes to the dimensions of energy beings... The Pangu myth follows as thus: In the beginning the universe was nothing but chaos, and the heavens and the earth were intermingled—a big black egg being commonly used as an analogy. Pangu was born inside of this egg and slept for 18,000 years, during which time the Yin and Yang balanced as he grew. When he awoke, he realized he was trapped within it. He cracked the egg and began to push it apart, essentially splitting the Yin and Yang. The upper half of the shell became the sky above him, and the lower half became the...


INTRODUCTION In the Mythologies around the world, we see certain episodes in common, like for example the flood myth, battle between the good and evil etc. Just like these examples, there is another episode, Sacrifice of the Primordial being. In many myths, including the vedas, there is a story of a Primordial being, being sacrificed for the creation to start. Let us dive into the vedic Mythology...Open your eyes to the dimensions of energy beings... Unlike the Norse mythology, the Vedas give  the creation story of the universe itself. Before the beginning, Paramapurusha gave birth to his female counterpart, who was named Virat. When she was born, she took the form of an egg. And then Virat in turn gave birth, and she bore a male, Purusha. As soon as Virat had given birth to Purusha, he spread to the east and to the west over the earth. So the universe was produced. Explanation: It was darkness everywhere. The light, the energy existed initially and after and will al...


Christmas, the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, is in fact connected to the pagan festival known as Saturnalia. Saturnalia was a week-long Roman festival honoring the god Saturn; since it started on December 17, it fell within what we now call the Christmas season. The association between Christmas and Saturnalia is further supported by the existence of another Roman holiday, Sol Invictus, gradually absorbed by Christmas. Sol Invictus (“Invincible Sun”) celebrated, on December 25, the renewing of the Sun King and was linked to the winter solstice. Long before the advent of Christianity, plants and trees that remained green all year had a special meaning for people in the winter. Just as people today decorate their homes during the festive season with pine, spruce, and fir trees, ancient peoples hung evergreen boughs over their doors and windows. In many countries it was believed that evergreens would keep away , ghosts, evil spirits, de...