The Nine holy nights of the Divine Feminine

Durga is known to be the Goddess of ‘beyond reach’ or ‘inaccessible’. One of the names she is known by is ‘Devi Mahishasuramardini’. This means ‘the Goddess Killer of the Buffalo Demon’. Devotees see her to be gentle & mild and also, frightful & terrible. Symbolizing victory of positivity over negativity, Navratri literally means 'nine nights' in Sanskrit; Nav - Nine and Ratri - nights. Navaratri is simply the worship of different forms of the cosmic female...divine mother...the source of all... Day 1: Shailaputri is worshipped on this day. Goddess Parvati is the daughter of Himalaya, the mountain. In Sanskrit, Shail means the mountain and thus she is also was known as Shailputri. The goddess in this form rides a bull, carrying a Trishul in her right hand and lotus in the left hand. Day 2: On Dwitiya, goddess Brahmacharini is worshipped. Here the goddess walks bare feet and a japamala and a kamandalu can be seen in her han...