Pranava Mantra (AUM)

Pranava Mantra (AUM) ॐ तेनेयं त्रयी विद्या वर्तते ओमित्याश्रावयति ओमिति शóèसत्योमित्युद्गायति एतस्यैवाक्षरस्यापचित्यै महिम्ना रसेन ॥ From this the three-fold knowledge emerge; One concurs with "Om"; One recites with "Om"; One sings with "Om"; These are due to the esteemed glory and essense of this syllable! The mantra that is held very sacred by all Hindus is the mantra Om also called praNava mantra. This mantra is part of every worship. This mantra is hailed in scriptures of various languages. vedas - the holy scripture - is chanted always after chanting this mantra and always concluded with this mantra. Each of the hailing in the archanai that is performed for the divine is preceded by this mantra Om. praNava is the primal sound that existed before the creation and the sound that stays after the praLaya. This is the nAtharUpa - the Form of sound, of the Supreme Luminance. This mantra om refer to none other than God. The great yog...