W HY IS LORD RUDRA GIVEN MORE IMPORTANCE AMONG THE TRIMURTIS ? Explaining this in the view point of an ordinary man, its because among the three supreme Gods, GOD Brahma ( Generator) GOD Vishnu ( Operator) GOD Rudra ( Destroyer) A drawing by Swami Nalanda God Rudra is the "auspicious one " among the trinity who had decided to live on Kailash mountain in the Himalayas which in Earth. But God Vishnu lives at Vaikuntha and God Brahma at Sathyalok, which are far away from Earth. God Rudra is the easily accessible among the Trinity. In other ways, God Rudra is the incarnation of MAHADEV, Shiva ( GREAT GOD ) himself. He is Brahman, he is Eshwar, He is BHAGAVAN.... 1. He is the PARA-BRAHMAN (Universal consciousness). 2. He is only God, not a deity. The God itself, in Hindu Dharm, is known as Shiva. 3. He is SARVA-SHAKTIMAN (having all & unlimited powers). 4. He is SARVA-VYAPI (omni-prese...